Harmonics in electrical signals introduces undesirable frequency components in the waveforms and should ideally be eliminated. Harmonics can be present due to non-linear loads or the numerous power electronic circuitries in power distribution systems. In most industrial situations, harmonics deviate from the ideal outcomes and must be removed or reduced to nominal levels.
In electronics and electrical engineering, the term harmonic distortion is a very popular term but its impact is greatly understood always. However, there are various known ways for harmonic distortion namely, passive and active filters, multi-pulse technique, and transformer connections, etc. In this article, we take a deep look at how harmonic mitigation filters and techniques benefit industrial applications.
The prime function of an industrial power system is to provide a reliable source of electrical power with the least level of distortions, however, with increasing usage expansion of industrial drives and Datacenters harmonic distortion is becoming a problem. Power quality issues arising from harmonic distortion can cause overheating of the motors and even result in significant downtime, making the investment in harmonic mitigation filters worth it. Finally, the installation of these filters can account for a return on investment over the operating time savings alone.
Moreover, harmonic mitigation filters positively affect the lifespan of several industrial components. Overheating and damage to electric motors, transformers or other critical equipment is caused sometimes because of excessive harmonic distortion. Therefore, using harmonic mitigation filters, industries can save their capital expenditures and investment, and decreased spending on the above items because they do not break down or are replaced because of harmonics problems.
Furthermore, the introduction of harmonic mitigation filters can improve the dependability of the power system in general. In an Industry, the power supply has to be reliable at all times. By reducing harmonic distortion, these filters increase the chances of sensitive equipment operating at specified parameters and therefore reduce chances of going offline for operational loss.
In summary, positive change in efficiency, increase in equipment, longevity and reliability in power systems, are some advantages of using harmonic mitigation filters in industrial settings. There will come a time where almost all industries will use advanced technologies. This will make it more critical to maintain power quality through harmonic mitigation. To remain competitive in such a market, companies need to use these filters consolidating their positions.
In the future, the power systems trend indicates better understanding of power quality issues which will lead to an escalating use of harmonic mitigation solutions. With the growing energy efficiency regulations and the increasing demand for consistent industrial work, harmonic filters will have to be part of the contemporary industrial components.